Infographic: How To Support TikTok Creators

Infographic describing ways to support TikTok creators, ascending in significance.

We made a new infographic on the TOCA stream tonight! Kind of our first infographic, actually. It’s a list of ways that fans can support TikTok creators, ascending in importance.

The infographic is titled "How To Support TikTok Creators," with The Online Creators' Association's logo. The graphic has five sections, each with an emoji, a title, and text.

Thumbs up: Engagement! Follow, watch videos, like, and comment. And...

Smiling face: Sharing Content! Share videos on other platforms and encourage friends and/or family to watch. And...

Blushing smiling face: Tipping! Tip them through money transfer tools like TikTok tips,, venmo, or PayPal. And...

Heart eyes face: Stable Income! Make a committed regular donation on sites like Patreon. And...

Champagne bottle popping: Support for Labor Rights! Push TikTok to share a percentage of ad revenue with creators.

2022, The Online Creators' Association.