
TOCA strives to offer the best information we can about how TikTok is behaving, and the only way we can do that is with information from users about how they’re experiencing the app. Use these forms to help us gather information about what you see TikTok doing so we can make the most informed judgments we can about what’s happening on the app at large.


TikTok has a lot of different kinds of bans, that behave in different ways. It helps us a lot to have an ongoing flow of information about how those bans are coming in, how they’re working out, and whom they’re happening to.

Use this form to let us know if you or someone you know or follow has been banned from TikTok, or banned from using some functions of their TikTok account, with as much detail as you have to offer.


We see a lot of moderation errors from TikTok: videos of adults taken down for minor safety, fully clothed users getting content strikes for nudity, politely phrased disagreement removed for harassment and bullying.

Use this form to let us know if your content was moderated incorrectly.


TikTok’s new feature rollout is obscured, to say the least. Features will appear for a few days and then disappear. Creators will notice a feature they didn’t have before and share a post about it, and receive responses from other creators who say they’ve had that feature for months. Sometimes new features appear to be region-specific, other times device-specific, and other times there’s no apparent pattern at all to who gets the update and who doesn’t.

Understanding when, whether, and how new features are rolling out is important for creators. Any time you notice new functions or features in the app, let us know here.


It probably happens a few times a week that one of the TOCA administrators mentions a bug we experience all the time that few to none of the other admins have heard of. Bizarre things happen on TikTok all the time, and they can seriously impact creators’ ability to manage their platforms.

Use this form when you find a glitch on TikTok.


Sometimes TikTok seems to turn down the amount of new content that can gain traction on the FYP, in order to control users’ experience and the spread of information and misinformation on the app. This can happen during major news events, organized attempts by users to influence the FYP, and sometimes for reasons we aren’t able to identify.

Use this form to help us gauge what the FYP is looking like for users, so we can better identify and document FYP suppression.