Experiences on TikTok: Fat Creators

In the Experiences on TikTok series, we hosted TikTok creators from marginalized communities—Black creators, disabled creators, fat creators, and queer creators—to talk about what it’s like on the platform for them, from good to bad, from audiences to fellow creators to TikTok as a platform and a company.



Trang Dong (@tranganhdong)

(she/her) Creator

Trang is an aspiring actress and semi-professional content creator who is passionate about creating meaningful representation in media for marginalized communities. Using TikTok as her public video diary she has been able to bring not only a unique perspective but also her light-hearted humor into conversations surrounding current events and pop culture! She is also a recent graduate of UC Berkeley where she studied the art of responding to the phrase, 'so I think I found your TikTok last night.'

Lindsey Holland (@i.am.an.adult)


I’m a fat positive content creator. I believe in being a part of the change I want to see in the world and digital spaces. I share content on how to safely and positively live in a fat body.


Fat History series, YouTube
Fat History Of…, upcoming podcast


Erynn Chambers (@rynnstar)


I create A wide variety of content, mostly informative and or comedic. I have a specialized focus in linguistics, media criticism, intersectionality, and Black history.


Wordy and Nerdy on YouTube
WordAndNerd on Twitch
Hot Tea Hot Takes podacast

Instagram | Twitter



Eli James (@Eli.4.The.World)


Eli James is an educator and advocate based in the Seattle area. His content is centered on fat liberation, as well as disability justice, educational equity, and, on occasion, musical theatre.


Fat Liberation Resource Guide

TikTok | Instagram | Twitter